Friday, July 12, 2019

Psychology facts

Psychology facts :

What you are going to read in this post :
Psychology facts and sayings in urdu .


ماہر نفسیات کہتے ہیں کہ 98  فیصد زندگی کے حقائق انسان کی نظروں سے اوجھل ھوتے ہیں، اور یہ بھی ایک کرم ہے ۔ ۔ 
قاسم علی شاہ~


Psychology facts in urdu
Psychology facts in urdu 

ذہن تھک جائے تو مصروفیت 
کم کردیجیے    
 دل تھک جائے تو مصروفیت بڑھا دیجئے ۔ ۔ ۔


Psychology facts about attitude in urdu
Psychology facts in urdu 

  • سب سے خوبصورت اور صاف زبان رویوں کی ہوتی ہے ۔کچھ کہنا سننا بھی نہیں پڑتا .اور ساری بات سمجھ بھی آجاتی ہے۔

  • سخت رویے بات تو منوا دیتے ہیں مگر دلوں میں فاصلے بڑھ جاتے ہیں ،جب رہنا ساتھ ہوں تو دونوں طرف رویوں میں لچک ہونی چاہیے۔ کچھ منوا لیا کچھ مان گئے ،  یہ ہی مثبت رویے رشتوں میں تازگی کو برقرار رکھتے ہیں ۔ جہاں انا ہو وہاں صرف پچھتاوا اور تلخیاں ہوتی ہیں ۔ ۔ ۔

محبت الفاظ نہیں رویہ ہوتی ہے ۔


الفاظ جو بھی ہوں جیسے بھی ہوں ، لوگ مطلب ہمیشہ اپنی مرضی کا نکالتے ہیں ۔


لوگ ہر اس  مسئلے کا حل جانتے ہیں جو ان کا نہ ہو۔


  • انسان کا سب سے بڑا دشمن اس کا دماغ ہے۔ پکڑ پکڑ کے لاتا ہے ان لمحوں کو جو اذیت دیتے ہیں ۔

  • جتنا زیادہ سوچو گے ، اتنا زیادہ اذیت میں رہو گے،  یا تو اپنے آپ کو مضبوط کرلو، یا مصروف کر لو ۔


خوش ہونا ہے تو تعریف سنیے، اور بہترہونا ہے تو تنقید سنیے۔


 دلوں پر لفظ نہیں ۔۔۔۔۔ لہجے اثر کرتے ہیں ۔


Psychology facts about hope in urdu
Psychology fact about hope

لفظ "امید "کے سرکئی زندگیاں بگاڑنے کا الزام بھی ہے اور کئی سنوارنے کا سہرا بھی ۔ ۔ ۔


زندگی میں آگے بڑھنا ہے تو بہرے ہو جاو ، کیوں کہ بعض لوگوں کی باتیں مایوسی میں اضافہ کر دیتی ہیں ۔ ۔ ۔


Psychology facts about broken people in urdu
Body language reveals unspoken truths.

خاموشی کو سمجھنا سیکھو کیونکہ ، ٹوٹے ہوئے لوگ لفظوں کا استعمال نہیں کرتے۔ ۔ ۔

Thanks for reading !

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Definition of psychology

What actually psychology is ?

What will be your answer if someone ask you , what is psychology ?
You will probably say :

  • Science  of mind and behaviour.
  • Study of  human nature and behaviour .
  • Scientific study of the behaviour of humans and animals ....

In this article I am  going to explore what actually psychology is ? So let’s begin.

psychology is a  mixture of two Greek words psychi (spirit or soul) + logos ( knowledge, science or study) .

Like other sciences psychology is hard to define because it evolves continuously  that’s why the phenomena it studies can not be covered in one definition. It has been defined in different ways, all these ways  comes from different perspectives.

APA definition of psychology  :

Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior, according to the American Psychological Association. (APA) It is the study of the mind, how it works, and how it affects behaviour.

How psychology evolve into science of behaviour :

In beginning psychology was considered as science of soul , then science of mind , and in modern age it is known as science of behaviour .

What Psychology explore and study :

Psychology is a broad field that explore and study   personality, development ,behaviour, thoughts ,consciousness, motivation, memories, feelings ,fears , creativity, addictions and much more. Due to its  multifaceted discipline it includes many sub fields such as educational psychology, forensic  psychology, developmental psychology  , clinical psychology , industrial psychology,  social psychology,  cognitive psychology and more.
If I say that psychology is science of life it will not be wrong .Because it covers all most all area’s  of life .

Psychology is an art :

“Psychology is an art which presents itself as  science “.
~Eric pettifor

Seriously dealing with nonsense , Failures , heart breaks , negative thoughts is an art . And psychology gives you a chance to master this art .😊

What is psychology?
Psychology says 

“The study of human nature may be thought of as an art with many tools at it’s proposal , an art closely related to all the other arts , and relevant to them all , in literature and poetry particularly ,this is especially significant. It’s primary aim must be to broaden our knowledge of human beings , that is to say ,it must enable us all to become better, fuller and finer people.”
~Alfred Adler

 The mind is highly complexed thing no one can fully understand it . The functions  of all human brains are  same, but  we all react differently on same stimuli. Reason is we perceive,  feel and deal with  things differently .

What actually psychology is?
What actually psychology is ?

“Me : everything is ok
Is actually “ lie”
They tell me exaggerated stories of their life's tragedies
Is actually “lie”
It is all about perspective”
~Sadia Arshad

Ending note :

 In the end I must say psychology answer a simple question :

  • Why we do?
  • What we do ?

Give your feedback regarding what you think what actually psychology is ?

Also read :

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Psychology says

Updated : 9 December 2021


  Psychology says :

Psychology says
It is all about psychology

Some interesting facts and sayings about psychology :

Halo effect :

Psychology says :
Attractive people are perceived as more intelligent and trustworthy .Even if they are not . This is called the halo effect .

Attract others :

In short term you can attract people by your words , but in the long run your work (efforts) speak .

Engage yourself in some sort of activity 

People tend to be Happier when they are kept busy,as this prevent them from thinking 
About the negative things in their life. 

Constructive feelings :

In all feelings anger and love are most constructive and destructive feelings.

Dressing well :

The way you dressed is linked with your mood .So dressing well most often helps you keeping more stably happy.

Cherophobia :

Some people are actually afraid of being too happy , because they think something tragic is going to happen. This is known as cherophobia .

Power of mind :

your body hears  everything your mind says .
"The cells in your body react to every thing your mind says. So negativity brings down
Your immune system and you fall sick. "

Emotional & logical brain :

your emotional brain can not be controlled by your  logical brain .That's why we say love is blind .


Non apprehension of reality leads to misapprehension .

Brain activity after death :

when a person dies , they have seven minutes of brain activity left in which they see a dream like sequence of their memories.

You and life :

you and life are two different things or you yourself is life ?
you are life .Don't draw a line between you and life . Life include yourself your surroundings , the people around you , everything, if you are passionate about only yourself no one will like you , but if you are a type of person who can accommodate others in their  life  then people will surly like you.

(Gist of sandeep Mahashwari ‘s lecture )

Peace of mind : 

 Put question marks on your believes , that the problem bothering you , is really a problem or it’s just your imagination? That will bring your mind in peaceful situation.

(Gist of sandeep Mahashwari ‘s lecture )

I can and I will : 

It  is difficult to change your self  in a day But at least give it a try. "Rome was not built in a day”. Whatever the mind expects, it finds. Keep yourself constructively occupied.
Remember , I CAN and I WILL.

Smile :  😊

Smile. And smile some more. It adds to your face value and to your personality as well.

Enemy of truth :

Blind believe in authority is the enemy of truth.
 ( Albert Einstein )

Low self esteem : 

People  with low self esteem are more likely to criticise others .

feeling ignored :

Feeling ignored cause same chemical effect as that of injury.

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Also read :

Happy reading 😊