Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Self help

Updated : 30 March 2021

Self help tips :

It is easy to change your environment than your circumstances. But is changing  or escaping from your present situation  gives you guarantee of your desired situation???? .  . .

And the answer is a big “No ”.

If you want to change something in your life , start changing your inside, "In order to be able to change something you must face it ".
Don’t depend too much on others . Make your inner world strong , because most of the time, you actually know the solutions but you don’t  take a step forward to solve the issue. 

Reason ????

Here are some obstacles in achieving your goals , that also cease your self growth. 
  •  You most of the time confined  yourself in your  limited believes. 
  • You confined yourself in negative useless thoughts .
  • Confined in  fear of failure , 
  • Insecurities of present and future,
  • Blind believes in authority,
  • Too much  Rely on others  so on . .

Remember,  beneath your fears great opportunities lie . .
And opportunities dance with those who are already dancing on the dance floor. .

Take a step forward , take the responsibility of your Life.. You are the ceo of your life.
So, Give time to your goals ,pay attention to your instincts.
"Your only limit is You ".
The only thing stopping you , is you .
“You are your master. Only you have the master keys to open the inner locks.”

If you Want to achieve something, or want to solve any issue do work for it 
I know  it is not a one day process. But “Small changes add up to big changes .”

Self help tips, motivational quotes, life is not a coincidence, it is mirror of your own deeds.
God help those who help themselves. 

Life is not a coincidence, it is mirror of your own deeds,
So don’t let your thoughts, words and deeds let you bleed. 
“What you allow is what you continue .”

Don’t force people to acknowledge your existence, if they really know your worth they will stay with you .If they don't notice that you really exist , never  force them. Expect from yourself only .

There is no perfection you can give that will make somebody stay where they don't want to be. You can't keep what doesn't want o be kept. Value yourself.

Other people liking you is a bonus. 
You liking yourself is the real prize. 

Be responsible of every decision you make every  action you  take . Don’t blame others.  Blaming others is also an escape from your flaws. Just do your work ,Sometimes you will win, sometimes you will  learn .

"No one saves us but ourselves , No one can and No one may."


Thinking the same thing will not give you new solutions. Old ways not lead you towards new success. Think out of the box .

Self help tips, motivational quotes, happiness is a habit,  cultivate  it .
Self help is the  best help. 

Be happy with what you have.
 “Find happiness  first ,then  success will come.”
Find happiness in small, little things . 
 remember happiness is an inside
job . 
No one can really  make you happy until or unless you find your own ways to make yourself happy .Until or unless you decide to be happy. 
Your happiness is your responsibility don't expect it from others.

Love yourself enough to surround yourself to people who love and respect you. The company you keep is reflection how you feel about yourself. 

I will keep  updating , these kind of self help tips, make sure you keep visiting my blog . And give your feedback back in comment section below. 
Thanks for reading!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Right brain vs left brain

Left brain right brain theory :

The brain contains two hemispheres each  hemisphere perform a number of
 functions .
These hemispheres are called right brain and left brain. The two sides of the brain communicate with one another through  corpus callosum.

Functions of right and left brain :

The left side of the brain is responsible for controlling the right side of your body .And right side of the brain is responsible for controlling left side of your body . That's why damage to the left side of the brain, might have an effect on the right side of the body. 

I am right brain :

 I’m creative, I’m ,imaginative I think a lot  (holistic thinking)
some times I feel things before it happen (intuition) I love rhyming and rhythms,  l feel things deeply ( feelings) I  can visualise things . I believe more in nonverbal things .
some times I start daydreaming you know why???  because my Right brain dominate left brain.

I am Left brain:

Deal with logic , analysis , Mathematics , languages , thinking in words , computation  .
People who use left and right brain together or equally are  genius and happy. 

Right brain vs left brain theory and interesting facts about human brain.

Right brain vs left brain image
 source :
Vision board blog

Left brain ,right brain theory is myth :

Later research has shown that the brain is not nearly as divided into two parts  as once thought. For example, research has shown that abilities in subjects such as math are strongest when both halves of the brain work together. Today, neuroscientists know that the two sides of the brain collaborate to perform a broad variety of tasks and that the two hemispheres communicate through the corpus callosum.

“It’s absolutely true that some brain functions occur in one or the other side of the brain. Language tends to be on the left, attention more on the right. But people don’t tend to have a stronger left- or right-sided brain network."  
~Dr. Jeff Anderson. 

 While the idea of right brain/left brain thinkers has been revealed, its popularity still persists. 

Logical and imaginative brain :

Humans have 1/3 logical brain ,2/3 imaginative brain. 

Weight and connections of human brain :

It’s weight is approximately 3 pounds, it contains about 100 billion neurons, and 100 trillion connections.

Some facts about human brain :

  • 60% of your brain is composed of fat , making it most fattiest organ  of body.  
  • Your heart and brain are composed of  73%  of water .
  • The brain comprises about 2% of the body’s weight but it  consume 20% of it’s energy. 

Ending note :

By understanding functions of  your left brain and right brain’s weaknesses and strengths you can improve your wellbeing ,  and performance. 

source :

1: Left brain vs. right brain :


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

How to control your negative thoughts?

Updated : 22 August 2021

In this article you are going to read how to control or overcome negative thoughts. 

William James quote about thinking, when you make a picture in your mind, you can achieve that thing in reality , law in psychology.
 Quote on thinking by William James

There is a law in Psychology   that if you form a picture in your mind of what you would like to be, and you keep and hold that picture there long enough, you will soon become exactly as you have been thinking.

Your thoughts define you :

Your believes and thoughts define your whole existence. You don’t really live in reality,  your thoughts create  your reality. 
Thoughts are  generally shaped by genetics,  life  experiences , education, environment,  the company you keep , the stuff you read . . .
"Every thought we think is creating our future."

Your thoughts have power :

Your thoughts and  believes  have power to change your physiology and neurology. Your thoughts can make you feel  powerful or powerless. The thoughts you hold become things . "The quality of your thinking determines
 the quality of your life ".

How to control your negative thoughts.
Be kind to yourself. 

How many thoughts you have per day :

Scientists estimated that humans have about 70,000 thoughts per day.
That means  you have  about 70,000 chances to change your life per day ,
 by   changing  and controlling your negative  thoughts.

 But question is , how to control your negative thoughts?  

Don't let your thoughts control you.
Don’t let your thoughts control you. 

1Be aware of your thoughts , you can save yourself from  it’s adverse effects by keeping yourself constructively occupied  or by diverting your thoughts to something positive. Take care of your thoughts 
You think about every thing but not about your thoughts.
Don’t  host your own pity party , by thinking negative.  So be kind to your mind , you deserve good things , take the first step to change your whole existence  by changing your negative thought in to positive one.

"The mind is its own place and in itself, can make Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven."
~John Milton  

Psychology says be kind to your mind. Make up your mind don't  be the victim of negative thoughts.
Be kind to yor mind , don't be the victim of your  negative thoughts .

2: What I believe controlling your thoughts are not much difficult as compare to facing negative people around you. 
 So try to avoid negative people, those who have problem for every solution. Because their vibes vibrate (provoke) your negative thoughts. 

But problem is , you have to deal with these type of people often in your life so what to do ?

I don’t exactly know  what should be done in such a situation ?  But what I think, believe, and learned from my experiences , listen to them and agree with them , but deep down  hold on your beliefs and positivity.  

3: learn something new every day. That will help you to overcome thoughts of uselessness. It could be as little as opening a new level of a game.  There are lots of free educational apps on Google play store  that will help you grow, and increase your knowledge. 

4: Spend time with like minded people. 
It will help to maintain your positivity and believe that still good people exist.
Surroundyourself with :
  • The inspired. 
  • The motivated. 
  • The open minded. 
  • The passionate. 
  • The great full. 
Be so busy  with these five , so you wouldn't have any time to pay attention on the negativity , haters and negative people are spreading.

5:  Don't believe everything you think .
Even having negative thoughts is  not a problem, actually problem is you believe them.
Remember,  perception is always greater than reality. What you think might be merely your perception , it could be wrong . So why so serious? 

There are so many other  ways .You only need “will power”  to do any thing .

 These above ideas I personally use , you can tell me your ideas regarding how you control or  overcome your negative thoughts  by commenting in comment section . And one more thing,  don't forget  to share. 

Thanks  for reading !

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