Saturday, July 2, 2022

How to deal with failure


How to deal with failure 

I never wanted to fail in my life, actually nobody wants to fail. And when we fail it hurt us a lot we start losing our confidence . But learning from failure is the only way we grow and become better people and the same is true for our businesses.

It's easy to get stuck on a failure, but don't let your failures hold you back from doing what's next in your life whether that be another job or hobby, starting school, going back to school, moving out of your parents house and living with friends/starting over in a new place.  After failing never lose hope because because if you really want progress in your life you have to keep going. Sometimes the best thing we can do after failing at something is start over again. 

So, let's celebrate failures!

How to deal with failure, failure management,
Try again fail better 

Here are some ways to embrace your failures and make them something positive:

  • Write down your failures. 
  • Don't let them hold you back. 
  • Don't let them destroy your confidence
  • Build up a list of things that inspire you.
  • list of people who inspire you.
  • list of things you want to accomplish. 
  • list of things you want to learn.
  • list of things you want to read.  
  • Don't let failure make you feel bad about yourself; everyone fails so don't let this be an excuse not to try hard in life again because there are always other opportunities for success out there if you keep trying!
  • Listen to people who tell you that you're doing a good job, even if you don't believe them it will help you to keep going you can't do it on your own, you need to have support from others. This is one of the great things you can do. It will help keep your morale up and allow you to keep going when times are rough. 
  • You need support from others and sometimes even encouragement from those who have more experience than yourself.

So listen to people who tell you that they think what you're doing is great, no matter how much doubt may be creeping into your mind or heart at this moment in time!

Listen to people who tell you that you're doing a good job, even if you don't believe them.Acknowledge the help others have given you. Build up a list of things that inspire you.Stay away from negative people and negative thoughts.

I hope that this article has given you some ideas for how to deal with failure, and helped you take your first steps toward living more positively.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Elon musk inspirational quotes and achievements

Updated: 21 Aug 2022 

 Elon musk inspirational quotes and achievements :

Successful business man:

Elon Musk has led many successful businesses since his youth. He learned to program himself and at the age of 12 he sold his first program
The computer game "Blastar". 

First company of Elon Musk :

The first Elon Musk company was to create Zip2, a company that supplied newspapers with business cards and folders and was later sold to Compaq for $ 307 million.

Musk left Stanford after just two days to launch Zip2 in his first business.

Elon Musk has founded a total of eight companies : 

1: Zip2
2: PayPal
3: SpaceX
4: Tesla
5: Hyperloop
6: OpenAI
7: Neuralink
8: The Boring Company

Video game lover:

Elon Musk is a big fan of video games and will always keep up with games like World of Warcraft or Counterstrike with his staff.

Brilliant billionaire :

When Iron Man was conceptualized, Tony Stark's role as a "brilliant billionaire playboy philanthropist" was modeled by Elon Musk with actor Robert Downey Jr. who spent time with Musk to observe his behavior. Musk even appeared in Iron Man 2. He also starred in The Big Bang Theory, The Simpsons and South Park, among others.

Night club :

Musk and his roommate Andeo Ressi rented a large house , as students at the University of Pennsylvania, turned it into a nightclub to pay the rent. 

Initial fortune :, which later became Paypal, was the source of Musk's first fortune. Musk founded in 1999, which later bought Ebay for $ 1.5 billion. Musk made $ 180 million on the deal.
Elon Musk helped to change the world economy.

Elon Musk quotes :

-Elon Musk 
  • "I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary." 
-Elon Musk 

  • "Persistence is very important. You should not give up unless you are forced to give up."
-Elon Musk 

  • "The first step is to establish that something is possible; then probability will occur."

-Elon Musk 

Elon musk inspirational quotes and achievements, success story of elonmusk
Elon Musk(born  June 28, 1971, Pretoria,South Africa) 

  • "I could either watch it happen or be a part of it."
-Elon Musk 

  • “I’ve actually not read any books on time management.” 
-Elon Musk

Get free audio book -Elon Musk 

  Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson

  • “Work like hell. I mean you just have to put in 80 to 100 hour weeks every week. [This] improves the odds of success. If other people are putting in 40 hour workweeks and you’re putting in 100 hour workweeks, then even if you’re doing the same thing, you know that you will achieve in four months what it takes them a year to achieve.” 
-Elon Musk

  • I hate when people confuse education with intelligence, you can have a bachelor's degree and still be an idiot.
- Elon Musk

  • "It’s very important to like the people you work with, otherwise life [and] your job is gonna be quite miserable.” 
 - Elon Musk

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Self help

Updated : 30 March 2021

Self help tips :

It is easy to change your environment than your circumstances. But is changing  or escaping from your present situation  gives you guarantee of your desired situation???? .  . .

And the answer is a big “No ”.

If you want to change something in your life , start changing your inside, "In order to be able to change something you must face it ".
Don’t depend too much on others . Make your inner world strong , because most of the time, you actually know the solutions but you don’t  take a step forward to solve the issue. 

Reason ????

Here are some obstacles in achieving your goals , that also cease your self growth. 
  •  You most of the time confined  yourself in your  limited believes. 
  • You confined yourself in negative useless thoughts .
  • Confined in  fear of failure , 
  • Insecurities of present and future,
  • Blind believes in authority,
  • Too much  Rely on others  so on . .

Remember,  beneath your fears great opportunities lie . .
And opportunities dance with those who are already dancing on the dance floor. .

Take a step forward , take the responsibility of your Life.. You are the ceo of your life.
So, Give time to your goals ,pay attention to your instincts.
"Your only limit is You ".
The only thing stopping you , is you .
“You are your master. Only you have the master keys to open the inner locks.”

If you Want to achieve something, or want to solve any issue do work for it 
I know  it is not a one day process. But “Small changes add up to big changes .”

Self help tips, motivational quotes, life is not a coincidence, it is mirror of your own deeds.
God help those who help themselves. 

Life is not a coincidence, it is mirror of your own deeds,
So don’t let your thoughts, words and deeds let you bleed. 
“What you allow is what you continue .”

Don’t force people to acknowledge your existence, if they really know your worth they will stay with you .If they don't notice that you really exist , never  force them. Expect from yourself only .

There is no perfection you can give that will make somebody stay where they don't want to be. You can't keep what doesn't want o be kept. Value yourself.

Other people liking you is a bonus. 
You liking yourself is the real prize. 

Be responsible of every decision you make every  action you  take . Don’t blame others.  Blaming others is also an escape from your flaws. Just do your work ,Sometimes you will win, sometimes you will  learn .

"No one saves us but ourselves , No one can and No one may."


Thinking the same thing will not give you new solutions. Old ways not lead you towards new success. Think out of the box .

Self help tips, motivational quotes, happiness is a habit,  cultivate  it .
Self help is the  best help. 

Be happy with what you have.
 “Find happiness  first ,then  success will come.”
Find happiness in small, little things . 
 remember happiness is an inside
job . 
No one can really  make you happy until or unless you find your own ways to make yourself happy .Until or unless you decide to be happy. 
Your happiness is your responsibility don't expect it from others.

Love yourself enough to surround yourself to people who love and respect you. The company you keep is reflection how you feel about yourself. 

I will keep  updating , these kind of self help tips, make sure you keep visiting my blog . And give your feedback back in comment section below. 
Thanks for reading!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

How to achieve success ?

Updated : 11. Jan.2020

How to achieve success ?
How to achieve success? 

You are going to read in this article,  definition of success,  how to achieve success? Hurdles in achieving success , and finally yes you can achieve success. So let’s begin.  . .

What is your definition of success :

The idea of seeing the success of everyone is different. 

  • Some people think that having more and more money is success. 
  • Other think that achieving one particular purpose is success. 
  • you may think that having a good reputation in society is success. 

 No matter what is your idea of success is, make sure that after achieving the particular purpose :

 Are you really happy ?

Are you satisfied with what you have ? 

When you are satisfied  with what you have  and happy from inside, You see things in  positive way. And thus you can discover  new ways of success . And then no one  can stop  you from any further proceedings.You became unstoppable.  

“Whatever your definition of success is , you have to keep in mind that you can only be 
successful ,if you have the right attitude and way of thinking”. 

How to achieve success? 

1: “Get your life right in terms of God’s law , think , believe and visualise success”. 

2: conceive > believe > achieve

3:  passion> practice > patience = success

Formula of success
Formula of success 

4:  Believe>behave > beget (bbb)

How to achieve your goals
How to achieve your goals

5: “When you truly believe that you deserve success,  your mind will generate ways to achieve it”.

6: "Success "
See your goal
Understand the obstacles
Create a positive mental picture 
Clear your mind of self doubt 
Embrace the challenge
Stay on track 
Show the world you can do it. 

7: “Follow one course Until Successful”. 

Formula of success, how to achieve success, motivational quotes, inspirational quotes
How to achieve success

8: “It is the hungry ones that get to taste success “. 

9: “Turn your pain into anger , anger into Motivation ,  and motivation into success”. 

Hurdles in achieving success :

1: Rigid behaviour :

“Your rigid thinking and behaviour is the biggest hurdle in your way to success”. 
~Sadia Arshad 

2: Only losers give Excuses :

“Excuses are for those who have no desire to succeed”. 
~Sandeep  Maheshwari 

3: Stop announcing your goals to others :

“If you announce  your goals to other , you’re less likely to succeed. You lose motivation”. 

4: Stop avoiding risks:

“success is a risk . If you are not feeling a little uneasy , then you are not doing it right “.

5: Stop searching supporters :

“Success is a lonely road ,and only  few dare to take it “.

6: Don’t stop learning :

"We will be successful at any point of time ,if we don't stop learning.".

7. Stop searching comfort zones :

To be successful you must be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Yes you can achieve success :

"Believing in yourself , is the first secret of success ".

 “However difficult life may seem ,
there is always something you can do ,and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give up”.
 ~Stephen hawking

 “Success will never lower it’s standard to accommodate us , we have to raise our standard to achieve it “.

 “The price of success is failure after failure after failure , hopefully each of these failures provide an opportunity to learn ".

“Failure will never overtake me , if my determination to succeed is strong enough “.

How to achieve success, how to overcome failure, success quotes
Don’t lose enthusiasm 

“Failure is the mother of success”

“Success is not final , Failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts”. 

“Failure is success in progress”.

“If you want to succeed, you have to let failure be your best friend.”.

“A winner is just a loser who tried one more time “.

How to achieve success, motivational quotes, inspirational quotes
How to achieve success 

There are lots of recipes of success but finding
Which recipe is suitable for you is most important thing. 

Don’t forget to give your feedback and your success tip by commenting on How to achieve success. 

Thanks !

Also read :

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Dose of motivation

Updated : 17. November. 2020

This blog is about motivational stuff ,  I collect this stuff for you guys , just read it and get the motivation to drive your life's journey .

Dose of motivation, Motivational quotes, inspiring words, "The secret to getting ahead is getting started ".
Motivational quote 

  • Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.
  • Motivation is just another mental thought
  • You know who's gonna give you everything?  Yourself.
  • Sometimes you just have to die a little inside in order to reborn and rise again as a stronger and wiser version of you.
  • Don't limit your challenges,  challenge your limit .
  • You may lose people you love,  you may lose the things you have,  but whatever happens never lose yourself.
  • If you risk nothing,  you risk every thing .
  • It is a slow process ,but quitting won't speed it up .
  • Not all positive changes feels positive in the beginning.
  • If you can't handle stress,  you can't handle Success .
  • The days that  break you are the days that make you .
  • Be loyal to your future,  not your past .

If you want to do something there are thousand and one ways, if you don't want then there are thousand and one excuses. Motivational quotes.
Motivational quotes 

  • If you want to do something there are thousand and one ways , if you don't want then there are thousand and one excuses. ~sadia Arshad
  • Let's laugh at everything, because sadness doesn't heal with more sadness .
  • One day you will thank yourself for not giving up.
  • Every thing is temporary don't stress.
  • Be patient little friend, miracle is on it's way here .
  • When you learn to accept instead of expect,  you will have fewer disappointments.
  • Never give up , every one has bad days , pick yourself up and keep going.
  • To that one  soul , reading this I know you are tiered,  you are fed up , you are so close  to breaking , but there is strength within  you even when you feel weak , keep fighting.  . . .

 Motivation for women :

  • Strong women don't play victim , don't make themselves pitifully, and don't point fingers, they stand and they deal.      ~Mandy Hale
  • Behind every strong independent woman lies a broken little girl who had to learn , how to get back up and to never depend to any one .
  • “A woman is like a tea bag , you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.”                                                                    ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “I am a strong woman with or without this person, with or without this job.”                            ~Queen Latifah
  • "Nothing makes a woman more beautiful , than the belief that she is beautiful "
    ~Sophia loren
  • Please teach your daughters not to measure their strength by how much pain they can endure. 
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